Monday, July 23, 2007

My Heroes

You have to grab a good time wherever you can, an unknown little fact, I use to read comic books when I was a kid, I could devour them. Well the benefits of being a younger sister was, there was plenty to read. Okay, so it wasn't cultural or educational, but it sure was fun on those lazy hot days of summer when your not daydreaming watching clouds go by.....My favorite was the metaphoris man.. .. simply because I thought he was a gentlemen hero, not to mention cute.... sorry Batman you did come in second with a great ZIP , POW , WHAM, CRASH and well who could not love wonder woman... and the ideal amazon world of women, yeah we know, we rule. lol Just to think in my day comic books were the ultimate enemy to a parent, and now they have taken second place to video games... nothing like fantasy to make your mind work..

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