Sunday, April 11, 2010

Ram Festival

I am so behind in posting schedules and preparing for the events. But have beening taken everything a step at a time and finally rid myself of the IRS drama. Where will I be, we have a few local events coming up in April, the Chamber of Commerce has invited me to do a private party. I also will be doing the calendar party of the local civics group which I am a member, it's my duty to the world around to help those who cannot help themself. We also have the Ramps festival, a little bit of country, not so dramatic as the larger events, but definetly a must do if you have never had Deep Fried Ramps. Delicioius way to start spring, my ramps are already sprouted out back and I am thrilled to prepare myself for the next week event. It starts to pick on up from here on out. Some of the same events we have done in the past, always adding some new ones. I will make a point to add them this month.
Sometimes I feel like I am spinning around in circles without any clear cut place to stop. Stepping back and taking a deep breath. Chutes and Ladders, the childrens game quickly teaches us that we really don't want to slide back, everyone wants to move forward and gather momentum and I am know different. But if I were to stop, I have a few images that have not left my mind of where I would like to be.

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